Gunning & Kavanagh Church Bells, Newcastle

Gunning & Kavanagh Church Bells Contact Details

Noel Kavanagh
028 43 751 504
077 1091 0985
17 Old Road,
County Down
BT33 0NH

About Gunning & Kavanagh Church Bells

About us
Belltron is a world leading brand name established in the early 1980's to produce digital systems specifically for use in the Church market. Gunning & Kavanagh established trading links with Belltron in the mid 1980's and became a main distributor covering Ireland and UK. In 2003 Belltron Ireland & UK Ltd. was incorporated and today distributes the Belltron brand throughout these islands. With almost 40 years experience together, we offer solutions to individual churches requirements. In particular bell ringing systems (for both real bells and digital bells) along with Church Streaming, PA systems, Digital Organ, Electronic Votive Candle units etc. etc.. Click a link above to open a relevant page..

Cast Bell Ringing Systems
We offer cast bell tolling hammers and linear motors for pealing (swinging) bells.

Digital Bell Systems
DMC370 Digital Bell System - Plays peals, tolls, hymns, carols etc. Comes with a pre-installed list and more can be added. Available memory for up to 500 melodies. Program by day in week / day in month / week in month / date / festive days / Easter / Christmas etc. Can also be used to control up to 4 cast bells via additional relay module. Remote control optional.

Electronic Votive Candle units
Electronic Votive Candle free standing units are available in 3 standard size. Model 0034E - (34 lights), Model 0045E (45 lights) and Model 0060E (60 lights). Other sizes are available on request. Our stands are manufactured in Oak, Mahogany or Beech MDF with solid trim and brass shelves. Choice of lamp colours White/Blue/Red. Glass lamps, coin box and base with castors are optional.

Wall mounted units are available to order. These are made to fit your size requirements. The lights are triggered by a push button and extinguish themselves after around 1 hour. The system is 240v - 12v with a consumption of 0.1 amp per light (so 1 amp per 10 lights). A 34 light unit is 3.4 amps and has a 5 amp 240 - 12v PSU. Optional LED bulbs are also available.

Belltron Digital PA amplifiers
Adjustable Noise Gate on each mic input and on general volume. Digital control of general volume and tones (low, medium low, medium high, high). Digital control of volume and tone on each MIC / AUX input (low, medium, high). Variable low and high frequency filter (LOW CUT) and (HIGH CUT).

Preset buttons for different users or different congregation size. Available Low impedance or 100v line.

Electronic Incenser (Thurible)
Rechargeable thurible. Eliminates the need for charcoal. Incense lights by the simple push of a button to activate the heating element.

Digital Organist / Sanctuary Musician
Professional device, for the faithful reproduction of true pipe organ sounds, remotely controlled from the altar. Adjustable transposition and speed control allow you to adapt your melodies to your choirs needs.

Amplified or pre amplified versions available. Approximately 1700 song pre installed. Additional melodies can be downloaded via PC or SD. Keyboard option also available.

Full range of sacristy supplies available:
Wax Candles - Beeswax Candles - Votive Candles -Oil Candles - Oil Candle Oil - Sanctuary Candles - Altar Wine - Incense - Charcoal etc.

Location Map of Gunning & Kavanagh Church Bells