
Green Party Extremely Disappointed With The Jobs Plan

Government plans for the Green economy amount to nothing except some more planning, the Green Party claims.

Green Party Enterprise Spokesperson Cllr Marianne Butler said: "The Jobs Plan launched shows up a lack of vision in the Government and contains few practical actions to get our economy working again. Their two big ideas for 'New Era' and a 'Strategic Investment Bank' are now going nowhere. There is nothing bold or new in what was presented.

"Nowhere is the lack of vision or competence more clear than in their plans for the Green Economy. We expected something more than a plan to work on a further plan. The Government could have picked up on the range of practical actions that the Green Party had set in place early last year, but they seem to have neither the will nor the understanding of how to create a new Green economy.

Cllr Butler also said the Government stalled the Green IFSC project which could create up to 4,000 jobs.

"The 'Pay As You Save' model for retrofitting buildings was also ready to go but has been unnecessarily delayed and scaled back by this Government.

"They say the job creation potential from renewable energy is significant but they are killing the progress we made by stopping any support for offshore energy, by regulating against new generation and by blocking investment in electrical vehicle charge points."


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16 January 2012
Govt Should Proceed With Green IFSC Centre
The leader of the Green Party in Ireland has said the Government should proceed with the Green Financial Services Centre that has been planned for the last three years. Eamon Ryan said: "The initiative has gone through the most detailed assessment. It would require seed funding of €6.