
Other News In Brief

Minister Visits L'Derry Regeneration Projects

Social Development Minister Nelson McCausland has visited a number of projects benefitting from DSD funding on a visit to L'Derry.
 Minister McCausland visited the Waterside Greenway project which will provide a footway/cycle path between St. Columb’s Park and the Foyle Bridge on the east bank of the River Foyle. The Department for Social Development is providing £250,000 from its UK City of Culture 2013 Capital Infrastructure Fund towards total project costs of £1,615,800. The Minister also visited Clooney Playing Fields which have been completed with DSD funding of £150,000. 
Speaking during his tour of Clooney playing fields, the Minister said: "My Department's investment in the Waterside Greenway and the regeneration of the Clooney Playing Fields will further enhance these public spaces and provide facilities for improved health and wellbeing. It is vital that all people, regardless of background, are given the opportunity to enjoy acceptable levels of good health and well-being through physical and outdoor activity."

Planning Applications Fall

The number of planning applications being submitted in Northern Ireland is still falling.
The figures, published today in the latest Quarterly Development Management Bulletin, reveal that for the third quarter of 2012/13 applications were down by 11% on the same time last year (from 3,263 to 2,892).Planning applications for residential development have experienced an even more significant 16% drop between the equivalent quarters down from 1,779 to 1,499. These reductions are a reflection of the current economic climate.

The approval rate for decisions has remained around 93% when compared to the equivalent quarter last year.

First Sod Cut On A2 Shore Road Scheme

Roads Minister Danny Kennedy has cut the first sod of the A2 Shore Road Dual Carriageway scheme, marking the start of work representing an investment of over £50million in roads infrastructure.

The scheme involves upgrading to dual carriageway standard 3.5km of the A2, between Jordanstown Road and Seapark. Improvements will also include four new roundabouts at Shore Avenue, Shorelands,Station Road Greenisland and Seapark junction. Work is expected to take around two years to complete.

Mr Kennedy said: "This important strategic route upgrade will bring benefits for road users and residents who will enjoy reduced journey times and see the introduction of improved footways and new cycle lanes along the route. 

"I am very mindful of the impact that this scheme has had on landowners, businesses and residents. I thank them for their understanding and co-operation and I am confident that they will quickly realise the wide ranging benefits of this investment once the scheme is completed.

“The upgrade will help grow the local economy and contribute to the wider economic development in Northern Ireland, both in the short term and in the long term."


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