
Derry City Council To 'Go Blue' For World Diabetes Day

Derry City Council has said it will turn its office building blue to raise awareness for people living in the area with diabetes.

To mark World Diabetes Day on 14 November, famous landmarks, buildings and monuments around the world 'go blue' for diabetes by lighting up in blue lights.

Derry City Council’s offices on Strand Road will join other famous landmarks around the world.

Mayor Brenda Stevenson said: "It is clear that diabetes is a growing problem in Northern Ireland with more of us knowing family members and friends who have been diagnosed with the condition. I am pleased to have Derry City Council help highlight this serious condition and help support local families who know all too well about the ups and downs of managing diabetes.

"Whether it is Type 1 diabetes or Type 2 diabetes, it is important to celebrate that much has been done to help improve the lives of people living with diabetes and it is possible to manage it successfully. Hopefully people will be encouraged to learn more about diabetes and contact Diabetes UK Northern Ireland for further information and advice on 028 9066 6646."

A spokesperson for Diabetes UK Northern Ireland said: "We welcome the efforts of Derry City Council to help raise awareness about diabetes, marking World Diabetes Day locally. In Northern Ireland there are now 81,867 people living with either Type 1 diabetes or Type 2 diabetes, with a further approximate 12,000 people living with Type 2 diabetes without realising it."


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