
Over 21,100 Jobs Created By Enterprise Ireland Client Companies In 2015

Enterprise Ireland has reported the creation of 21,118 new jobs by client companies in 2015.

This translates into a net increase of 10,169 jobs for 2015 in Enterprise Ireland supported businesses and brings total employment in these companies to 192,223 - a record high for the agency. Almost two thirds of the new jobs created were outside Dublin and all of the regions recorded increases in full-time employment over the period.

Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD said: "At the very heart of our Action Plan for Jobs is creating a powerful engine of Irish industry alongside the strong multinational sector we have built up in recent years. Irish companies have an unparalleled capacity to create jobs in towns and cities right around the country, and in recent years these companies have created more than three quarters of the 135,000 extra jobs created across the economy. In order to deliver on this plan we have put in place a range of new measures, including placing extra Enterprise Ireland staff in overseas markets and doubling the number of trade missions.

"The results, the best in several decades, show that more than 10,000 extra people are at work in Irish exporting companies today compared to one year ago. They also show that almost two thirds of the new jobs were created outside Dublin and that jobs grew in every region in 2015. This did not happen by accident – it happened as the result of a carefully designed and implemented plan. I wish to pay tribute to Julie and all the team at Enterprise Ireland on this excellent achievement. If we continue to implement our plan we can have confidence that we can keep the recovery going in every part of the country in the coming years."

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