
Belfast Delivery Driver Jailed For Tax Fraud

A Belfast delivery driver has been jailed for eight months after admitting he falsified his income records in a £140,000 fraud.

David Smith, 41, from Newtownabbey earned more than £260,000 in profit as a self-employed delivery driver, however he fraudulently declared his earnings as just £43,769, following an investigation by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).

In January 2014 he was interviewed by HMRC officers and admitted lying about his income and claiming tax credits he wasn't entitled to.

Mr Smith evaded £76,598 due in tax and National Insurance contributions on his self-employed earnings, while at the same time, fraudulently claimed £63,272 in Tax Credits he wasn't entitled to.

Steve Tracey, Assistant Director, Fraud Investigation Service, HMRC, said: "For seven years Smith claimed tax credits he wasn't entitled to, yet he didn’t feel the need to pay his fair share of tax. By lying about his income he was able to fraudulently claim Tax Credits.

"Tax fraud is not acceptable and we will tackle it head on. We want to make sure there is a level playing field for all businesses to operate fairly.

"Taxpayers are the victims here, with stolen tax ending up in the pockets of criminals, while the public are losing out on funds for essential services. Anyone with information about this type of activity should contact HMRC on our 24-hour Hotline on 0800 595 000."


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