
Minister welcomes initiative to combat witness intimidation

Criminal Justice Minister, John Spellar has welcomed the introduction of special measures to help vulnerable and intimidated witnesses involved in the criminal justice system.

The Special Measures being introduced include screening the witness from the accused; giving evidence by live link; giving evidence in private; the removal of wigs and gowns; video-recorded evidence; aids to communication; the protection of witnesses from cross-examination by the accused in person and the protection of complainants in proceedings for sexual offences.

Speaking after Monday's launch, Mr Spellar said: "The criminal justice system can be a stressful environment for victims and witnesses particularly for those who are vulnerable or in fear of intimidation.

"These measures are part of a wider range of initiatives being taken forward by Government to help victims and witnesses report crime and give evidence."

The measures are contained in the Criminal Evidence (NI) Order 1999.

The Speaking up for Justice Report 1998 (England and Wales), made 78 recommendations to improve the treatment of vulnerable and intimidated witnesses, including children, in the Criminal Justice system. The subsequent report was considered and endorsed by a Northern Ireland working group.

Other initiatives introduced this year include the Northern Ireland Prison Service Victim Information Scheme in June and Court Witness Schemes, for adult and child witnesses, in September.


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