
Report On Children And Young People's Mental Health Services Welcomed

The Department of Health (DoH) and Health and Social Care Services (HSC) are "committed to delivering real and meaningful improvements" to child mental health services.

A spokesperson for the DoH made the commitment following the publication of a report by the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY).

The DoH said: "We welcome today's report and it is clear that Northern Ireland's Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY) has invested much effort into this timely piece of work.

"This is a complex and challenging area, where need is continually evolving and demand is increasing. Dedicated colleagues right across the system work tirelessly with limited resources to deliver high quality services.

"However, we know we can and must do better. Through our transformation programme, the Department and the senior leadership team of the HSC are committed to delivering real and meaningful improvements.

"Nowhere is this more important than in meeting the mental health needs of our young people. This report makes a key contribution to this process and we look forward to working with the Commissioner going forward, and indeed with young people and their families, to make improvements and deliver better services."


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