
New Abuse And Violence Strategy Consultations Extended

The development period of two new Executive strategies aimed at tackling violence against women and girls and domestic and sexual abuse have been extended until 21 March.

Justice Minister Naomi Long and Health Minister Robin Swann made the announcement as part of the Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week.

The Calls for Views stresses the Executive's commitment to tackling these critical issues and creating a society where everyone is safe and protected from all forms of violence and abuse.

Members of the public including: victims and survivors, practitioners, academics and those in frontline services are encouraged to make their voices heard. Those within minority communities are particularly encouraged to express their views and lived experiences.

The Equally Safe Strategy: A Strategy to Tackle Violence Against Women and Girls, from the Executive Office, is being designed to address societal attitudes, beliefs and behaviours.

The Domestic and Sexual Abuse Strategy, from the Departments of Health and Justice, seeks to adopt an inclusive approach and apply to all victims, regardless of gender or gender identity.

The calls for views is supported by wide ranging engagement with key statutory and voluntary sector stakeholders. Responses to the confidential calls for views surveys will form the basis of two evidence-based strategies.

Justice Minister, Naomi Long said: "It is important that we hear from as many people as possible, through the range of engagement channels that have been put in place. This includes surveys for the public and victims, a written response form, as well as stakeholder focus groups and public engagement events. We would encourage those that are interested to attend these events and provide their views on the way forward."

Health Minister Robin Swann said: "The response to the Call for Views has so far been very positive with around 500 online surveys already completed. We want as many people as possible to input to this important piece of work. Please do share your views and your experience to help shape the development of these new strategies."

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