
New PM Has A Chance To Make A Positive Impact On NI – Long

New Prime Minister Liz Truss has a chance to make a positive impact on Northern Ireland, Alliance Leader Naomi Long MLA has said.

The Alliance Leader was speaking as Ms Truss was confirmed as the new Conservative Party leader and Prime Minister. Mrs Long reiterated her belief that reform of the institutions here should be a priority for the new occupant of 10 Downing Street.

She said: "There will no doubt be concerns about Liz Truss becoming Prime Minister, given some of her actions to date.

"Certainly, her comments during the leadership campaign do not inspire confidence, nor does her pursuit of the Protocol Bill. If she follows through on a hard right agenda, her legacy could be damage to the economy, public services, rights and equality, and good governance.

"However, being new to the role, she has a window of opportunity to put her stamp on the position. As such, she can make a positive impact on Northern Ireland by engaging in sensible discussions with the EU around the Protocol, and pursuing reforms to the Assembly and Executive in order to secure their return and future proof both. That requires constructive leadership from Ms Truss.

"Alliance will be seeking a meeting with the Prime Minister to discuss our proposals around reform of the institutions and to seek assurances she will be looking to govern in the interests of everyone in Northern Ireland."

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