
SF Welcomes Breakthrough Between London And Brussels

Sinn Féin have welcomed the breakthrough between London and Brussels and called for the restoration of NI's political institutions "without delay".

Speaking from Stormont Sinn Féin Vice-President Michelle O'Neill, said: "I welcome today's joint announcement from the European Commission President and the British Prime Minister that negotiations have now concluded and a joint agreement secured.

"I listened to what they said and will now assess the full detail of the Agreement, and what effect it will have in practice.

"Sinn Féin has impressed upon the Prime Minister and Commission President throughout this process that the fundamental principles we wanted to safeguard were no hard border on the island of Ireland, protecting the Good Friday Agreement, and safeguarding access to the EU single market for the whole island.

"Most people's minds will now be on restoration of the Executive and other political institutions of the Good Friday Agreement so that we can get back to work and together make politics work. This means that the DUP must end its blockade."

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