
Govt Urged To 'Reflect On Impact' Of Cost-Of-Living Increases

The Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) has called on the UK government to "reflect on the continued impact" that cost-of-living increases are having on households.

Making the call, East Belfast MLA and Communities Spokesperson, Andy Allen, said: "Many will have noticed how quickly the Government were out of the blocks to claim how they achieved their priority of halving inflation. Whilst it is welcome that inflation has come down, the stark reality for many households across the United Kingdom is that they continue to struggle with the increased cost of living - in particular, the cost of energy and food.

"I would therefore urge the Government to reflect on the continued impact the cost of living is having and crucially ensure they continue to support households through this difficult period. Critically, the Government must, in the absence of a devolved Government at Stormont, ensure that people across Northern Ireland receive the support they desperately need."

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