
UK Govt Urged To 'Do More' To Support Public Sector Workers

Sinn Féin has called on the UK government to "do more" to fully support public sector workers and services.

The party's economy spokesperson, MLA Conor Murphy, said: "Once again, the Tories have continued with their cruel agenda of austerity with more real term cuts to funding for public services and less money for pay.

"Savage Tory cuts continue to damage our economy.

"It"s unacceptable that our public services will not receive proper funding to tackle the ongoing crises in health, education and cost of living or fair pay for workers as a result of one party's continued blockade of the Assembly.

"In the absence of an Executive, the British Government should deliver a fair deal for workers with no more delays.

"We urgently need a properly funded Executive restored now and parties working together to negotiate new financial arrangements for the north."

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