
Careless Driving Campaign Launches

A new road safety public information campaign highlighting the dangers of careless driving has been launched today, 1 December.

The campaign is a collaboration between the Department for Infrastructure and the Northern Ireland Road Safety Partnership (NIRSP).

Careless and Inattentive Driving is the number one reason for road traffic collisions in Northern Ireland including behaviours such as 'driving too close' and 'inattention or attention diverted'.

In 2022, 604 people were killed or seriously injured as a result of collisions on the roads where the cause has been attributed to a careless driving causation factor.

Regrettably, 310 people have been killed or seriously injured because of speeding in the past five years (2018-2022). Every one mph reduction in average speed has a resultant 5 per cent reduction in collisions which could be the difference between life and death. In January 2024 the established anti-speeding campaign 'Classroom' will air.

Dr McMahon welcomed the sponsorship agreement with the NIRSP, he said:

"Too many people sadly lose their lives or are seriously injured as a result of careless driving and that is a tragedy for their families and friends. We all know the dangers of drink/drug driving, excessive speed for the road or conditions and that wearing a seatbelt can save our life if involved in a collision. However, perhaps we are not aware of the potential serious consequences of careless or inattentive driving.

"The reality is that careless driving is the main causation factor which is responsible for the majority of those people killed or seriously injured, accounting for 55% over the last 10 years.

"This campaign is an opportunity to raise awareness of the dangers of careless driving so that we all improve our behaviours as road users and save lives.

"I welcome this collaboration between the Department and the Northern Ireland Road Safety Partnership which makes it possible to use a range of media channels to highlight the dangers of careless and inattentive driving."

Chair of the NIRSP, Ch Supt Sam Donaldson, said:

"The Northern Ireland Road Safety Partnership is committed to reducing the number of people killed or seriously injured on our roads.

"Working collaboratively with the Department for Infrastructure we will focus on those behaviours that cause the greatest harm, namely the 'Fatal Five' of drink driving, speeding, careless driving, not wearing a seat belt and using a mobile phone whilst driving.

"We are happy to support the Department’s information campaign which educates and warns people of the risks, especially around careless driving and speeding.

"This is vital in changing behaviours. Let me take this opportunity to remind people to slow down and not to get careless whilst driving. It may save yours or someone else’s life."

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