
New Executive Must Prioritise NI's 2030 Sustainable Goals

Any new Northern Ireland Executive must prioritise NI's 2030 sustainable goals, despite the UK government's decision to delay environmental targets to 2050.

NI renewables experts, Everun, has said that it the absence of a sitting government in Northern Ireland means "there's a looming threat that our progress towards sustainable solutions might stall even further”.

Sales and business development director at Everun, Ross Moffett, continued: "As we grapple with climate change, the need for sustainable solutions has never been more pressing. In Northern Ireland, we find ourselves at a pivotal point. The absence of a sitting government and the UK's shifting environmental policies pose significant challenges to our progress in renewable energy.

Mr Moffett described the challenge Northern Ireland faces as dire: "At Everun we recognise the broader implications of our work, which encompasses everything from the development and management of wind farms and solar energy projects to providing EV charging and smart motor solutions to our clients. This commitment underpins our drive towards a greener, more resilient Northern Ireland.

"Going forward towards 2030 we must ensure there is equitable access to renewable energy solutions that transcends the scope of individual sectors and squarely places the onus on collaborative governance.”

The lack of governmental action since February 2022, following the dissolution of The Assembly due to the Northern Ireland Protocol, has been a significant barrier.

"This political standstill is hampering our ability to develop and implement effective policies that support renewable energy and sustainable infrastructure," Mr Moffett added.

Despite these obstacles, Moffett pointed out that businesses in Northern Ireland are forging ahead with investments in renewable technologies.

"These proactive steps are essential. We cannot let complacency set in. The cost of inaction is far greater than the investment in sustainable solutions," he said.

Mr Moffett also explained that Everun is committed to aiding the transition, exploring innovative solutions with their clients to create self-sufficient, sustainable ecosystems.

However, he noted these efforts are often slowed by bureaucratic processes and a lack of government support.

He said: "It's time for a collaborative effort. We need policies that encourage the development and adoption of renewable energy sources.

"Incentive schemes should be tailored to support not just domestic users but also the commercial and industrial sectors, which are crucial drivers of our economy.

"Additionally, there’s a need for an energy decarbonisation scheme that would encourage new generations of solar farms, wind turbines, and large battery storage.

"As we stand at this critical juncture, our message is clear: we must act now to ensure a sustainable future. The time for decisive action and unwavering commitment to our 2030 climate goals is now.

"As Northern Ireland stands at this critical juncture, the message is clear: we cannot afford to delay our progress towards the 2030 climate goals. We must act now to ensure a sustainable future, not just for our generation but for those to come. The time for decisive action and unwavering commitment is now."

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