
72hr Transport Strike Suspended Following Pay Offer

A planned 72 hour public transport strike has been suspended to allow union members to be balloted on an improved pay offer.

Workers were set to walk out from midnight tonight [Monday], but following an improved pay offer by Translink the three public transport trade unions (GMB, SIPTU and Unite) have called off the action to ballot members on the new deal.

Talks unions and Translink management took place on Sunday following the rejection of an initial pay offer by management on Thursday, 22 February.

Workers in all three trade unions will now vote on the offer - the dates of the ballot will be announced in the coming days.

Welcoming the suspension of the strike acton, Infrastructure Minister John O'Dowd said: "Resolving public sector pay quickly has been a key priority for the Executive. This is a positive development which I very much welcome. I want to thank the Unions and Translink management for their determination to find a resolution to this dispute."

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