
SF Calls For Urgent Delivery of Affordable Childcare

Sinn Féin's Childcare Spokesperson has urged the Executive to prioritise delivering affordable childcare for parents and families.

Speaking ahead of a presentation by Employers for Childcare to the Education Committee this week, Cathy Mason MLA, said: "Delivering high quality, affordable childcare is a priority and it is absolutely essential in ensuring our young people get the very best start in life.

"I look forward to hearing from Employers for Childcare this week, who represent many providers. They will brief members of the committee on the pressures facing childcare.

"Last week, I asked the Minister of Education to look at providing immediate support for providers and I have urged him to prioritise finalising a childcare strategy that delivers high quality care for our children, affordability for parents, sustainability for providers, and which values childcare workers.

"I look forward to working with all the parties, childcare providers, workers and families to help shape this much needed new childcare strategy."

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