
Alliance Welcomes Economic Affairs Childcare Review

The Alliance Party has welcomed the news that the British-Irish Parliamentary Assembly Economic Affairs Committee will conduct an inquiry into childcare.

The committee will seek evidence from a wide range of interested parties as part of a review into the importance of childcare as economic infrastructure across the UK and Ireland.

Alliance Early Years and Childcare spokesperson Kate Nicholl said the review was a crucial opportunity to learn lessons from childcare schemes implemented in other regions as we look towards the development of the early learning and childcare strategy in Northern Ireland.

The South Belfast MLA said: "For too long now, parents and providers in Northern Ireland have been managing a crisis in the childcare sector without the necessary supports.

"They have been doing so in the context of increased investment in childcare schemes across these islands and no additional investment at home.

"It is crucial we not only invest in childcare, but we create the right kind of system that truly delivers for our children, parents and providers. I am looking forward to getting this inquiry underway and to working alongside others campaigning for childcare reform to ensure we can learn lessons and implement the best scheme in Northern Ireland, to support parents with rising costs, put child development at the heart of our system, and ensure the long-term sustainability of the sector.

"It is long past time for investment in and reform of our childcare system and this inquiry will make a positive contribution to reform of the childcare system in Northern Ireland."

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