
Executive Urged To Take Action On Redress Scheme Compensation

The Executive Office has been urged to establish a timeline for the relevant religious organisations to make contributions towards the cost of redress for victims of historical institutional abuse.

The SDLP made the call after Barnardo's and the Good Shepherd Sisters announced that they will make an interim payment.

Foyle MLA Sinéad McLaughlin said: "It is totally unconscionable that the six religious organisations currently in negotiations over payments have not contributed to redress for the victims of historical institutional abuse. They have a moral obligation to pay retribution for the lives, childhoods and futures that were destroyed right across this island. Without addressing the wrongs of the past, they are no moral authority on anything.

"It is welcome that two institutions have now finally committed to making an interim payment but while this is progress, other institutions are still dragging their feet. These organisations must be held accountable for their institutional complicity in abuse inflicted on children.

"The Executive Office needs to deal with it and they need to deal with it robustly. I do not believe that they are being ambitious or assertive enough in pursuing these institutions for the payment that they owe.

"I am calling on the First and deputy First Minister to establish a timeline to secure the necessary contributions from the religious orders at long last so finally victims can feel some level of confidence that this will take place without any further traumatising delays."

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