
52-Year-Old Sentenced For Making Indecent Images Of Children

The PSNI have welcomed the sentencing of a 52-year-old man for multiple counts of making and possessing indecent/pseudo photographs of children.

At Laganside Crown Court, David Armstrong was sentenced to 16 months imprisonment, to serve half on licence. He was also placed on the sex offender's register indefinitely, given a sexual offences prevention order for 13 years and disqualified from ever working with children.
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Detective Inspector Richard Vasey from the PSNI's Child Internet Protection Team said: "We will never stop searching online for child predators. My team work around the clock to identify and bring people before the courts who think their offending can go undetected.

"We arrested Armstrong and searched his property, recovering his devices. Upon examination 671 illegal files were found across all categories.

"It remains our priority to protect and keep children safe and we will continue to proactively target those who contribute to the cycle of child abuse. I would encourage anyone with concerns or information to get in contact us on 101 or 999 in an emergency. We will act on the information we receive."

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