
Mothers: Do Something With Your Daughters

With today’s busy lifestyles, technological advances, multi channel TV, peer pressures and stressed out students endeavouring to get a good education, its not that often a mother a daughter can get together for some quality time to get to know each other a little better.

“Before you know it they’re up and gone from home for good”, says many the mother, as they see their young lady grow up quickly and perhaps head off to university, only to return at holiday time if they find a job and a mate in whatever city or country they go to 3rd level education in.

Enter Omagh based Show Promoters at www.gmcpromotions.com. who have been organising the Miss Teen Ireland Show for the past 5 years in Tyrone’s County town. “Many mothers put their daughters name forward for our Show because they know the early teen years can be a difficult stage when communication may be sparse and a distance can develop in a relationship. Many have witnessed their daughter’s confidence diminish as they face the aforementioned 21st Century challenges and the pressures to copy the appearance and lifestyles of those in magazines and on TV and Radio,” said a spokesperson.

“Our show helps bring Mother and daughter and families together to bond in a special way, be that attending local Heats and going on special outings, as well as spending a weekend together at the Miss Teen Ireland Grand Finals in May. This is not a beauty contest; there are no height or weight requirements. To be a Miss Teen Finalist requires that each girl has full family support for their participation in the Show.”

Past Title Holders so far are Christina Geary, from Donegal, 2002, now studying psychology, Lydia Mullaney, from Dundalk in 2003, doing her leaving cert, Emma Jane Hughes from Drogheda 2004, and the current Miss Teen Ireland is Laura Patterson from Derry, all of whom have enjoyed a year of exciting engagements with their mothers, in many parts of Ireland as they demonstrate what is positive in to days youth.

So if you know any mother and daughter who want to get to know each other better , who want to meet some new and exciting people, and share some quality time together, then visit www.gmcpromotions.com for show information and an entry form, or call the Miss Teen Show organisers in Northern Ireland on 028 82 244 270 or

mobile 07050 121 576.


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