
Manchester police collar best practice award

Martin Bell has presented the top accolade at the 2002 TNT Modernising Government Partnership Awards to Greater Manchester Police in a line up that featured well-known names from across the public sector.

Greater Manchester Police won the award for partnership activities within its Trafford division. The division has seen its workload increase by 250% since 1974, with the development of national and international venues such as the Old Trafford football ground, Manchester airport and the Trafford shopping centre. In response, the division has delivered a clear service plan incorporating the requirements of best value demanded by central government. The Trafford Division is now at the forefront of delivering a wide range of activities in partnership with the private, public and voluntary sectors.

Greater Manchester Police’s success was epitomised by the Trafford Park security initiative which concentrated on a key industrial park in Greater Manchester which was so badly affected by high crime levels that several businesses were considering relocation. However, by working closely with the local community, the Trafford Division was able to drastically reduce the level of crime, allowing successful businesses to remain in the area.

The Trafford Division was also instrumental in launching road safety campaigns in partnership with the Department of Transport and the Health and Safety Executive. Through the use of road cameras and other spot check initiatives, the division increased road safety levels and dramatically reduced the number of road crash casualties.

Martin Bell presented the award to Chief Superintendent Alan Hutchings, at a gala ceremony at the London Hilton, Park Lane, attended by nearly 600 guests from the public and private sectors.


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