
PM Underlines UK's Big Issues

A newspaper that backs the unemployed has been making the news today instead with a special guest editor, Prime Minister, David Cameron at the helm.

He used the platform at The Big Issue to set out how he hopes to "repair the institutions which have come under so much criticism in recent years", and how the Government's own strategy, Big Society can be "the central building block for a new approach in which we all ask 'What more can I do?"

Mr Cameron was interviewed by Big Issue's founder, John Bird, and set out his desire to put the confidence back in Britain following the expenses scandal, the financial crisis, and the "sorry episode of phone hacking".

"I want us to be a country - and a people - which has our confidence back.

"Institutions that are beyond reproach, that serve the public not the other way round," he said.

"Big citizens who feel in control of their destiny. An economy, which is innovative and creative - where prosperity is shared. A Britain that believes in itself," continued the PM.

He argued that it is essential that "all work together to build a Britain we can be proud of".

Mr Cameron said he profoundly believed we have an obligation to our community and our country and shouldn't expect the state to do everything.

He said The Big Society is about trying to create a culture where people ask to help, either individually or collectively, to make the UK stronger, and relationships and experiences richer.

As well as the interview with John Bird, there is also a section called 'My Younger Self', in which the PM writes about his family background and how his experiences then have shaped him.

The edition of the Big Issue also included contributions from Bill Gates and Michelle Obama.


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