
'Twist' Revealed As Interpol Seek ETA Member In Dublin

The International Police have been asked to find a convicted ETA member in Dublin, after it emerged he'd been living in the city in recent weeks.

In a surprising twist revealed by an Irish Newspaper, the hunt centered on the Dublin address of James Monaghan, who was one of the so-called 'Colombia Three'.

A Spanish judge made the request to Interpol to arrest Inaki de Juana Chaos at the specific Dublin address.

Mr Chaos, the 52-year-old man who is being sought, was sentenced to 3,000 years in prison for a series of 25 murders in the 1980s.

He was released from prison after 21 years on August 3rd and is reported to have flown to Ireland the next day.

Gardaí are believed to have been aware of Mr De Juana Chaos's presence in Ireland following a tip off from the Spanish authorities via Interpol, and he has been under surveillance in Dublin.

It is also understood the wanted man has spent time in Belfast and that the PSNI has also been tracking his movements there.

Mr De Juana Chaos is now wanted for the crime of "terrorism apologist" after writing a letter of support for the Basque Separatist Group.

The address he stayed at is linked to the Colombia Three, Niall Connolly, Martin McCauley and James Monaghan, who were initially arrested in 2002 at an airport in Colombia.

Later sentenced to 17 years jail in that country on charges of training Marxists rebels, they 'vanished' in December 2004, while on bail awaiting an appeal.

Ulster unionists later reacted with anger at news that the fugitive trio had arrived back in the Republic of Ireland.

In 2005, there were widespread calls to the Irish Government to send the three men back to Colombia to face due legal process, but that didn't happen.

See: 'Colombia Three' trial begins in Bogota

See: Unionists react angrily to 'Colombia Three' return


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