Glenanne Carriage Hire, Glenanne

Glenanne Carriage Hire Contact Details

Trevor & Lynne Gass
028 3750 7340
07751 680312
20 Drumcrow Road
County Armagh
BT60 2JQ

About Glenanne Carriage Hire

Glenanne Carriage Hire is a family run based in Glenanne, Co Armagh, Northern Ireland. We specialise in Horse Drawn Weddings and Funerals throughout Ireland. Our family have been involved in breeding and working with horses for several generations.

Make your special day a dream come true for a perfect wedding.
Our priority is to provide a professional personal service. Our coachman and groom are uniformed and professional in both manner and appearance. Our horses are fully trained and experienced.

We offer the choice of a glass fronted Landau wedding carriage which is black and burgundy in colour and is perfect for all weather summer or winter as it can be changed in a matter of a few seconds from fully closed to fully open or part open. When closed the bride and groom have the benefit of glass front and glass sides. The carriage comfortably carries four and can be a real treat for a page boy or flower girl.

We also have a black and dark green Landau which can be used part or fully open. This has proved to be very popular with brides in the past. We also have to offer a black and dark blue Brougham which is fully enclosed at all times. It is very suitable for all weather conditions. The bride and groom have the benefit of a glass front and glass sides.

Photographers like these carriages as they make the Bride look stunning in their white/ivory/platinum wedding dress.

On your special day, our horses will be immaculately groomed and our coachman and groom will arrive in good time. We provide complimentary champagne for a toast after the ceremony.

Our highly personal, professional, confidential, caring and dignified horse drawn service provides you with a pair of Dutch black Friesian horses and a traditional Marsden hearse.

Our horses are beautifully presented with leather harness and optional black plumes and drapes.

Other Occasions
We regularly cater for engagements, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Formals, Christenings, Fun days, Schools (Easter Bunny and Santa rides), Festivals and Film work.

Location Map of Glenanne Carriage Hire