
Executive Urged To Publish Programme For Govt

The SDLP has called on the Executive to publish a Programme for Government, after the Assembly backed an Opposition Day motion calling for publication before the summer recess.

SDLP Leader of the Opposition Matthew O'Toole MLA said that the public were concerned by the lack of delivery or plan since the Assembly's return.

South Belfast MLA Mr O'Toole said: "Before the return of the Stormont institutions Executive parties were all too quick to promise the public action on everything from childcare to health waiting lists. In the 100 days since the restoration of the Assembly we have seen nothing meaningful from the Executive in terms of a Programme for Government.
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"The SDLP Opposition acknowledges the positive images we have seen over the past few months, but the public is beginning to wake up to the fact that the parade of motions brought before the Assembly by Executive parties are totally meaningless when it comes to the issues they are dealing with. We have lots of aspiration, but we don't have meaningful targets or any sense of prioritisation. I fail to understand why so little progress has been made when we know that these parties were meeting on a regular basis over the past few years to discuss their plans.

"It is welcome that the Executive parties backed our motion today, but now they need to get on with delivering a Programme for Government and the SDLP Opposition will be holding them to the pre-summer target they've agreed to."

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