
Minister's Switch On New Hydebank Solar Farm

A new solar farm at Hydebank Wood Secure College and Female Prison has been officially "switched on" by Justice Minister Naomi Long and Environment Minister Andrew Muir.

The solar farm consists of 668 solar panels and is capable of producing 356 kWp of electricity, around 15% of the site's total annual power needs. At current prices, it is estimated the new solar farm will reduce electricity bills by around £60,000 per annum.

Justice Minister Long said: "The new solar panel farm at Hydebank is an excellent example of how the Department of Justice is helping to reduce its carbon footprint.

"For some years now the Northern Ireland Prison Service has pursued a range of sustainability initiatives in its aim to have fit-for-purpose, secure facilities with innovative delivery models. Solar energy is one of the cleanest sources of energy and is a more efficient and sustainable way of replacing conventional energy needs. On top of this there is a savings to be made."
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DAERA Minister Andrew Muir said: "As we aim for Net Zero emissions, it is essential that we are doing all we can to meet our targets. For departments, that includes leading by example to reduce emissions across the NICS estate. This was recognised by the public in response to my department's Carbon Budget consultation last year. I am pleased to see the Department of Justice doing exactly that. There are multiple benefits from adopting a green growth approach which seeks to address the climate challenge, protect and improve our environment and contribute to a sustainable economy. This project is a great example."

Prison Service Director General Beverley Wall, who is also Sustainability Champion for the Department of Justice, said: "Since 2016 the Prison Service has reduced its carbon emissions by 44%, which equates to a reduction of 4,350 tonnes of CO² per annum removed from the atmosphere. The solar farm at Hydebank is the latest project to be completed, and plans are also being considered for a similar solar farm at Maghaberry Prison in the coming years."

During the visit to Hydebank Wood College, the Ministers also toured the horticultural, agricultural and animal husbandry facilities which play an important role in helping to raise the motivation and self-esteem of prisoners as well as assisting those finding work once they return to the community.

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